- Specify type (plug or ring gage).
- Size – nominal diameter in inches or mm.
- Tolerance class – see AGD Chart below.
- Tolerance type – Go, No Go, or bilateral. See definitions below.
- Specify material – hardened steel, hard chrome, carbide.
Note: Calibration certifications traceable to NIST are provided at no charge on new and repaired, reconditioned or resized rings.
Ring and Plug Gage Specification in inches (top) and millimeters (bottom)
Unless otherwise specified, all tolerances shall be bi-lateral, i.e. plus or minus 50% of the total tolerance
“GO” plug gages shall be plus 100% of the total tolerance and minus zero.
“NO GO” plug gages shall be minus 100% of the total tolerance and plus zero.
“GO” ring gages shall be minus 100% of the total tolerance and plus zero.
“NO GO” ring gages shall be plus 100% of the total tolerance and minus zero.
Measurements are taken at the center and 1/16” (1.16mm) from end of top and bottom radius or chamfer; per ANSI B89.1.6M-1984 paragraph 2.5.1. Errors in roundness are no reported unless in excess of 40% of total tolerance, or on request.
All calibrations are performed in accordance with requirements of MIL-STD-45662A, MIL-I-45208A, MIL-Q-9858, MIL-STD-120. Master ring and plug gages are calibrated by comparison to master gage blocks traceable to the National Institute of Standards Technology, and are reported in accordance with tolerance limits for the applicable grade of accuracy stated for each item listed. All measurements are based on the international Inch (1.00inch = 25.4mm) and performed at a reference temperature of 68deg.F and a relative humidity of 40 to 50%.
UNIVERSAL master set rings and plug gages are made of suitable materials and are processed and certified to stability requirements per ANSI B89.1.6M-1984, paragraph 2.3 as well as other specifications therin stated.
AGD Standard Master Ring Gage
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